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Rules of Behavior

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One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline.  While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure.  It is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness an deficiency.  It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people.  With an understanding of the purposes of discipline in an academy, you may form a correct attitude toward it and not only do your part in making your academy an effective place of learning but develop the habit of self-restraint which will make you a better person.


Rules of Behavior

  1. Do nothing to disturb the learning of others.
  2. Follow directions FIRST time given.
  3. Respect for yourself, others, and the property of others.
  4. Keep verbal communication positive, and respectful.
  5. Follow proper procedures for specific activities.
  6. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
  7. Participate in class activities.


Student Correction Policy

  1. Follow EA Discipline policy.
  2. Students are sent to director if behavior is not acceptable.
  3. Director/Parent Conference if deemed necessary by director.


Enrichment Academy Discipline Policy

1st Violation-Verbal Warning

2nd Violation-Verbal Warning

3rd Violation-Student is removed from class and or situation and brought to Director (repeat offenders may be seated at a table by themselves within the classroom or outside in hallway with director)

4th Violation-Parent Director Conference


*Please contact a director with questions regarding discipline policy not listed.
*Directors do not notify parents of daily behavior of students.
*Parents will be notified if student continues to repeat negative behavior and refuses to comply to "Rules of Behavior".

Inappropriate Language

Cursing or use of vulgar, profane, or obscene language is prohibited.


Tobacco and tobacco products are not permitted at school or at school-sponsored activities at any time for any reason.

Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

No student shall engage in behavior which is indecent, overly affectionate or of a sexual nature in the academy setting.


Absolutely no bullying, directly or indirectly will be allowed.   Indirect bullying is attempting to socially isolate someone by spreading gossip, refusing to socialize with the victim, bullying other people who wish to socialize with the victim, and criticizing the victim's manner of dress and other socially-significant markers, etc.  This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  Every student will be safe at Enrichment Academy. 


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